Nicholas John Roman, Dunmore, and Leila Elizabeth Gasper, Scranton. PROPERTY TRANSACTIONs. - Donna Crockett Durland, formerly known as Donna Crockett, and Kenneth Nelson Durland, Aiken, S.C., to Myles Luckett, Scranton; a property at ... Lisa Akulonis, executrix of the estate of Milo R. Farnham, late of Clarks Summit, to Andrew N. Kingery, Volant, Pa.; two parcels in Scott Twp. for $70000. - John E. Ohler, to James Steven Sohns; a property in Covington Twp. for $150000. ...
whether the parties purchased or caused to have titled real estate, a home, cars, trucks, motorcycles or made other joint purchases; 6. are there joint debts, such as credit cards or promissory notes; ...